Columbia FFA
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FFA Membership and Dues

Annual Membership dues are required to become a member of the Columbia-Brazoria FFA, and the cost of the FFA dues are paid for by the Columbia-Brazoria Independent School District. This includes dues for Local, District III-Southwest, Area III, Texas FFA Association, and the National FFA Organization. Membership also includes a subscription to the FFA Horizons Magazine which will arrive sometime after January 1st. 

In order to be considered an ACTIVE MEMBER of the Columbia-Brazoria FFA Chapter and compete/participate in all aspects of the Columbia-Brazoria FFA Chapter, you must abide by the following rules:


1. Be enrolled in at least one year-long Ag Science class during the course of the membership year. 


2, Display conduct consistent with the ideals and purposes of the National FFA Organization.


3. Pay a CBFFA Travel Fee of $30.00, which will include your FFA Chapter T-shirt, which must be worn to various FFA events and competitions.


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